Adoring Abba, Part 2
Matthew 6:9c-10
[9c] hallowed be your name.
[10] Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
DEEP SHEET: Sermon Study Questions
1. In what ways have you been most challenged as we’ve discussed the topic of prayer? How has your own self-examination revealed pretentious, mindless, fatherless, Christ-less, self-centered, or infrequent prayers?
2. Why does the petition “your kingdom come” point to both evangelism and discipleship? (Mark 1:15; Colossians 1:13-14; Matthew 5:3-12; Romans 14:17)
3. When it comes to the salvation of others, do you really think your prayers matter? To what extent do you think God wants to accomplish his purposes through your prayers?
4. If the kingdom of God is “a matter…of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17), what does it look like to grow as a kingdom citizen?
5. Why does praying “your kingdom come” ultimately mean praying for Christ’s return? How might praying “Come, Lord Jesus!” change the way you live the Christian life? (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 22:20)
6. How can we easily become self-centered in praying “your will be done”? How does the structure of the Lord’s Prayer help us to understand the meaning of this petition?
7. How does Jesus demonstrate in his own life what it means to pray “your will be done”? (Matthew 26:39; John 4:34)