Daniel Baily
My wife Julianne and I have been blessed to be a part of the Four Corners family since 2010. We are grateful to the Lord for how He has used this local church and its elders to shepherd and encourage us in the Lord. God has used the preaching, gathering, and relationships to grow us both in the Lord. Our two sons have the blessing of growing up in this community of families that serve the Lord.
I wear two vocational hats. One as a cofounder of a healthcare software company, and the other as a rancher on Goshen Family Farms. My family and I love spending time outside working our animals, camping, hunting, and fishing. We also enjoy introducing other families to the farm and letting kids explore God’s incredible creation.
As an elder at Four Corners, I have the privilege of praying for and encouraging others to cling to Christ. I also have the joy of helping to lead the men’s ministry team and the gospel community leaders. I pray that God continues to keep the body at Four Corners for His Kingdom and glory.

Daniel Baily
My wife Julianne and I have been blessed to be a part of the Four Corners family since 2010. We are grateful to the Lord for how He has used this local church and its elders to shepherd and encourage us in the Lord. God has used the preaching, gathering, and relationships to grow us both in the Lord. Our two sons have the blessing of growing up in this community of families that serve the Lord.
I wear two vocational hats. One as a cofounder of a healthcare software company, and the other as a rancher on Goshen Family Farms. My family and I love spending time outside working our animals, camping, hunting, and fishing. We also enjoy introducing other families to the farm and letting kids explore God’s incredible creation.
As an elder at Four Corners, I have the privilege of praying for and encouraging others to cling to Christ. I also have the joy of helping to lead the men’s ministry team and the gospel community leaders. I pray that God continues to keep the body at Four Corners for His Kingdom and glory.