Women’s Ministry

woman sitting while reading book

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The Women’s ministry at Four Corners Church exists to support women to be sound in their knowledge and trust of scripture and adorn the gospel of Jesus Christ with their behavior. 

We believe…

  • The Word of God is perfect and pure (Proverbs 30:5), living and active (Hebrews 4:12) and that it is our highest authority.  As a result, our desire is to point women to reading and understanding God’s Word.  Our hope is that knowing and believing in God’s Word would lead to wisdom, joy, sanctification and the assurance of God’s love in the women of Four Corners Church (Romans 5:1, 14:7). 
  • The Word of God is more desirable than anything the world has to offer and that it equips us for every good work (Ps 119:17).
  • Our only hope in life and death is that we are not our own but belong to God (1 Cor 6:19-20).  We trust Him, yield our lives to Him and obey Him as an act of worship. The Women’s Ministry at Four Corners trusts that God is perfect in His faithfulness and will fulfill all of His promises in His timing (2 Corinthians 1:20).
  • God has invited us to offer prayers to Him, according to His will, in the name of Christ (Psalm 62:8).
  • Prayer encourages and assures believers and glorifies God (Luke 18).  Our desire is that God would be glorified through the love and obedience of the women of Four Corners Church (Ps 19:1-4, Isaiah 43:6-7).